Welcome to Dong Phu Organic Agricultural Cooperative, thank you for using our products!
- Country of Origin: Vietnam
- Packing specification:
+ Soil management: Prohibit the use of agricultural chemicals. (Farmers are encouraged to improve the quality of land without using chemical materials such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium ...).
+ Seed: Use of the varieties included in the list of permitted uses in Vietnam, prohibiting the use of genetically modified crops
+ Fertilizers (including fertilizers, supplements): Only using organic fertilizers such as manure, green manure has been decomposed. Prohibit the use of chemical fertilizers, human feces, chemical growth stimulants. Prohibit the use of compost from hospital or industrial waste. Prohibit the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, fungicides.

+ Irrgation water
▪ Use clean, unpolluted water for irrigation. Industrial wastewater, wastewater from hospitals, residential areas, livestock farms, and livestock and poultry slaughter houses , fresh manure, and unprocessed water are prohibited for irrigation. Ensure that contaminated water from other rice fields does not flow into family's fields.
▪ The system of ditches must be cleanly washed with water, and then connected to the water source and filtered through activated carbon before being put into the field.
▪ Water from Bui River is led into the field through certified testing and treatment.

+ Planting, weed removing:

+ Harvest:
▪ Rice in the right conditions, ensure isolation time after using natural plant protection materials, biological plant protection or herbs. Remove mixed rice and weeds before harvesting, harvest when rice is perfectly ripe.
▪ Dry. Rice is dried immediately after harvesting until reaching moisture preservation (12-13%), rice must be dried after harvesting in a safe and clean place (do not dry rice in the street to avoid gravel ...)
▪ After harvesting, rice grains must be brought to the "Plant protection residue" test. Only put into use after safety is ensured.

- Process of milling and packaging
+ Milling: Carry out cleaning work, clean the milling house cleanly, safety check from milling machine to rice and grain containers (absolutely do not leave dust and dust in the machine as well as grain containers) before pouring rice into the machine for milling.

+ Packaging
▪ Place of packing: Cultural house of Thuong Phuc Village.
▪ Wipe the processing warehouse cleanly, leave it dry, then spread out canvas sheet to contain rice.
▪ Rice is cleaned, small grain filtered, carefully picked up grain and grit.
▪ Weigh the exact amount of rice (5kg, 2kg), pack, stick labels…
- Above is the whole process of organic rice - rice production of Dong Phu Organic Agricultural Cooperative, with the hope that you will feel secure and satisfied when enjoying our "pearl" cuisine. Fully certified to comply with Pamci Organic principles and certify the process of manufacturing and packaging organic products according to the standards: TCVN 11041