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hn.check.net.vn | Cổng thông tin hàng hóa chính hãng Việt Nam

Trung tâm Doanh nghiệp hội nhập và phát triển - Hiệp hội DNNVV Việt Nam

Mọi thông tin vui lòng liên hệ:

Ms. Phạm Thị Lý

Hotline: 0395719999

Điện thoại: +84.2435406169 - 0963056116

Email: info@hn.check.net.vn

Information system using QR codes to access the origin of goods granted Patent No.: 16036 by decision No. 61711 / QD-SHTT of the Department of Intellectual Property, September 30, 2016.

Undertake the annual "Protection of Vietnamese trademark" on national scale. According to the plan No. 99 / KH - MTTW - CCTWCVĐ of the Central Steering Committee of the Campaign "Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods".

Implementing the plan No. 02 / KH-UBND of Hanoi People's Committee on maintaining and developing electronic information system using QR codes to access agricultural products origin in Hanoi city

Copyright belongs to Enterprise Center for Integration and Development (IDE) - Vietnam Small and Medium Business Association.

Phone: +84.2435406169 - Hotline: 0395719999 - 0963056116

Email: info@hn.check.net.vn

Operated by Bao Tin Science and Technology Joint Stock Company